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Audience to a representation of the Fundación César Egido Serrano and the Museo de la Palabra

One of the initiatives of the Foundation is the call for the 'contest international of Microfiction Museo de la Palabra', to which more than 14,000 writers, from 89 countries have crowded in its second edition. The submitted works should not exceed 100 words and could be written in Spanish, English, Arabic or Hebrew. The prize is endowed with $10,000 and they are granted three consolation prizes thousand euros each in microrrelatos better punctuated in other languages admitted to the competition.
After a first pre-selection of 225 works, carried out by a group of professors from the school of writers of Madrid, a jury composed by Juan Luis Cebrián, Luis Alberto de Cuenca, Ignacio Elguero, Antonio Lamela, Joaquín Leguina, Manuel Llorente, Gloria Fernandez-Lomana, Eduardo Mendicutti, Enrique Múgica, José Manuel Otero Lastres, Pedro Piqueras, Raúl del Pozo, Vincent Tirado and Asuncion Valdes, under the chairmanship of the director of the Museo de la PalabraAlfonso Fernández Burgos, decided to give the prize to Spanish writer Rosa Pastor Carballo, by the cuento 'The soup'. The consolation prizes went to Sonja Smolec, in English language, Sherif Samir, in Arabic, and Roy Daya, in Hebrew.
The Museo de la Palabra, located in the town of Quero, is articulated as the main tool and heritage of the Fundación César Egido Serano for the achievement of its purposes. The Museo de la Palabra undertakes to put into practice the ideas, values, initiatives and objectives of the Foundation, based in the use of Word as a link between peoples and language as the structure that unites us and us singles as human beings. The word is configured as well as the main tool of culture, understanding and détente. 'While the word - dialogue - is the priority in relations aimed to overcome conflicts, violence is something exceptional', adds the ideology of the Foundation.
The seat of the Museo de la Palabra, a Palace in the heart of the cervantine route, is the nerve center of his activity. A place suitable for the study, sharing and meeting, which serves to support and encourage the dialogue between different cultures, ideas, religions and sensibilities.
Copyright 2012 © Fundación César Egido Serrano.